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| SEPTEMBER 22/23 -October 22  | Color = Dark Green | Tone F Minor |

The symbol is a universal symbol for the scales. Many believe that the scales of justice are those of the Goddess Astraea that were left here to help keep humanity in balance. Some accounts recognize this symbol as the scale of Ma’at to be used in the Hall of Judgement.


The planet Venus rules over the zodiac sign of Libra and Taurus. Venus is the sister planet of the earth but rotates in the opposite direction on her axis and is around 900 degrees.


The Goddess Astraea can be associated with many goddesses of justice and ethics all over the world. The most familiar goddesses that she is associated with are Ma’at and Venus. In Astrology, she along with the Virgin Andromeda, are associated with the sign of Virgo, and the scales of Justice she carries is in fact Libra. Libra is the only inanimate object on the zodiac ecliptic. Libra also represents the chariot of Pluto or Hades. This chariot was drawn by four dark horses and aided with the abduction of Persephone (Proserpina). Persephone’s mother Demeter (Ceres) is said to be depressed through the winter because that is the season that Persephone is with Pluto in the underworld.



  • Indecisive

  • Gullible

  • Flirtatious

  • Self-Indulgent

  • Changeable

  • Easily influenced

  • Unpredictable

  • Judgmental


  • Diplomatic

  • Romantic

  • Easy-Going

  • Peaceable

  • Urbane

  • Charming

  • Idealistic

  • Sexy


As the ruler of the seventh house, Libra is especially associated with relationships and partnerships of all kinds. There is a motivation to achieve social or relationship goals. This sign is known for the ability to be diplomatic and create harmony.


The day and night model of the zodiac is based on the sun rising in the east and setting in the west. Different Zodiac Signs are visible at night or day depending on where you live on earth.

Modality Cardinal
The three modes of the elements:

  • Cardinal (Initiation)

  • Fixed (Stability)

  • Mutable (Dynamic)

Element AIR

Air is dynamic and intellectual. This element is associated with the OCTAHEDRON among the Platonic Solids!

Libra Decan I 0º to 10º

Sep 23 to Oct 3

Libra Decan 1 is ruled by the Moon and Venus (Libra triplicity). The Sun saunters through the constellations of the Herdsman, the Dragon, Berenice’s hair, the Virgin, and the Great Ship from September 23 to October 3. The combination of the popular moon and charming tropical Libra gives us the zodiacs courtesans, diplomats and artists. These people are adept and bringing peace and harmony into the most fraught situation.

They have a reputation of being the good guys, your best friend in the whole world, the one who you can call at 3 am in the morning and a softly spoken voice will say “That’s fine hon.” Are they perfect? Not quite. Like all the decans there will be a negative side, all this sugary sweetness can give one diabetes. The ironic thing about Libradecan 1 is that sometimes their push for peace can attract very aggressive and mean mates. Either that or violence just seems to blow up around them for no reason at all.


Libra has a horror of arguing, they don’t like to offend, so they tell lots of little white lies, and I mean lots….The danger is that they could all become one big fat lie which then will reveal itself at just the wrong moment. When this happens our perfect Venus turns into her nemesis. Eris!! What, the ugly goddess of discord in our perfectly balanced and aesthetically lovely Libra? This is Libra’s shadow of course, but Eris is just as much a part of Libra as Venus. Just as the 7th house is both partners and open enemies.

Austin Coppock and Ibn Ezra associate the scales more strongly to decan 1 than with the other two Libra decans. I also think the qualities of Maat are strong here. The Tarot card associated within this decan is the two of swords which “often indicates arguments between people who are being rigid and unyielding.  Both sides are locked into the battle.  There is little room for forgiveness and no sign of a thaw.  This argument could go on for years and taint generations to come unless someone is brave enough to sort it out. People need to lay down their weapons and open their heart to forgiveness.” ~ teachmetarot


(Javon had not finished this part with the decans so credit is given to

Libra Decan II 10º-20º

Oct 3 to 13 

Libra Decan 2 is ruled by Saturn in both systems (Aquarius triplicity). The Sun charms its way through the constellations of the Crow, Flying fish, Herdsman and the Dragon from October 4 to 13. Here we find ourselves in one of the most notorious zones in fixed star astrology. This is the home of Algorab in the crow, but it’s all wrapped up in finest Venusian silk! This is where victims of the crafty crow come unstuck. You can see your opponents from the more obviously aggressive decans coming. But you just don’t expect such a low down and dirty attack from your divinely adorable Libra decan 2.


Crows are birds of prey remember? Yes they have stunning blue/black raven feathers and yes they look magical, but if you don’t watch your back, the really unscrupulous ones will rook you before you can say raptor. These folk are your typical iron fist in a velvet glove, which makes them all the more dangerous. Never, ever, ever underestimate Libra decan 2, even if they look like Barbie. A lot of them will play dumb deliberately. ( “I no speak English” was one of my dad’s tricks…) Gold-diggers and gigolos are found here. With Saturn as the ruler of this decan, Venus ruled Libra naturally gravitates towards a generous sugar daddy or Mummy..


The tarot card associated with this decan is the three of swords. It is one the most upsetting card in the deck, but it has to fit somewhere so it is really not surprising that it should fall in the decan that houses the crafty crow. Again I must stress that your chart is more than just one decan.


The karmic lesson here may include sorrow, heartbreak and (like decan 1), love triangles. This decan is also ruled by Saturn in both systems so has quite a heavy karmic burden. So the lesson here is that any gold digging or gigolo behaviour here will come with a massive price tag.

It is your choice whether you turn away from the trinkets or not. “Release is key with The Three of Swords. A great sorrow, usually rooted in the (karmic) past, is often indicated…. Painful memories can be heavily repressed.  The Three of Swords highlights the need to let go of old pains and hurts as they are bound to be affecting the present.   It is a time to talk about them….(This lifetime) you must open up and let it out before it poisons you from within.  Allow yourself to forgive and be forgiven.” ~ teachmetarot


(Javon had not finished this part with the decans so credit is given to

Libra Decan III 20º-30º

Oct 13 to 23

Libra Decan 3 is ruled by Jupiter and Mercury (Gemini triplicity). The Sun permeates through the constellations of the Virgin, the Herdsman, the Flying Fish, the Great Ship, the Centaur and the Watersnake from October 14 to 22. There is a big feeling of transition here while we sail into the unknown. At the same time, as we dip our feet into the occult, there is great potential for illumination.

It does seem like these natives need to go through a period of initiation, maybe an endurance test that involves some suffering. Libra decan 3 tend to have to go through some tough times where they pushed to prove themselves. They may be harshly judged because their ideas or behavior is controversial in some way.


These folk may be exiled and painted out to be the bad guys even though Libra decan 3 actually see themselves as whiter than white. Anti-heroes, fallen souls and the victims of society will fascinate them, but ironically in helping societies outcasts, the Libra decan 3 becomes the outsider themselves. Libra decan 3 cannot help but pick up the collective mirror and reflect back to the world its shadow side. 


The tarot card associated with this decan is the four of swords which is associated with mental exhaustion and retreat. This is really not surprising since one of this decan’s theme is perfecting the intellect. Natural talent gushes out of them and they can easily burn themselves out. The decan’s rulers reflect the need for higher wisdom and mental agility.

Karmically “The Four of Swords carries a very real warning of the consequences of not taking care of your mental health during stressful times.  If you are coping at present then this card suggests that you are close to the edge and if you do not take the necessary steps to take a break then it may very well be forced upon you.  It warns of the potential for mental breakdowns, medical care and even hospitalisation.” ~ teachmetarot.


Generally this is a positive decan with the fixed star Spica at the centre of it, but these brilliant souls will learn in this lifetime that they must take care of their physical body as well as their brain.


(Javon had not finished this part with the decans so credit is given to

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Fall Quadrant: Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius. This is the fall in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) and the Spring Quadrant in the Southern Hemisphere (SH). This is also considered the FULL MOON Season if you look at the whole year as one cycle of the moon.

The Virgin Goddess is a story told all over the world in many ways. For Virgo she is often associated with Lilith, Persephone, Andromeda, Justitia, Dike, and Astraea. Libra is the Scale of justice that belongs to Virgo. Used to bring order in the material world and left behind as a tool of precision for humanity to evolve.


The Goddess Astraea can be associated with many goddesses of justice and ethics all over the world. The most familiar goddesses that she is associated with are Ma'at and Venus. In Astrology, she along with the Virgin Andromeda are associated with the sign of Virgo, and the scales of Justice she carries is in fact Libra. Libra is the only inanimate object on the zodiac ecliptic.

Ruling House #7

House 7 Partnerships/Marriage
Partners, marriage, conflict resolution, diplomacy, teaching, authorship, liberty, justice and open enemies. Ruled by Venus. Element is Air, Modality is Cardinal.

The Air Sector begins with “fire of Air,” Libra at the seventh (7th) house. Not only is the seventh house considered a mirror of the house of self (house 1), but it demonstrates the progress in the development that has taken place since the first house.  The sun has metaphorically travelled and evolved  through the first six (6) houses  becoming the house of love, marriage and partnership in general. This house is about conflict resolution, diplomacy, balance and sometimes “open enemies.”

In Western Tropical Astrology, the twelve star-signs are based on the orbit of our earth around the sun – and have little connection with the stellar constellations. Aries is seen as the “first” sign of the Zodiac, as it starts at the exact moment day and night are of equal length – the Spring equinox. All the other signs are measured from this point. Signs are said by many to have no manifest effect in themselves, but are activated when planets or houses are placed in them.


The sign of Libra is ruled by Venus along with Taurus. Physically it is related to the kidneys and human sensuality. Libra is said to have a masculine or “Yang” nature, and is therefore more socially outgoing in its interactions with others. As an Air sign (Octahedron), it is connected with people’s  intellectual and social relationships. As a Cardinal sign, Libra is a dynamic, leader that expresses their energy in ways that can be innovative.


Planetary energies in Libra usually help with balance and harmony. People with their sun, moon or Ascendent in Libra, usually are very concerned with the principles of fairness and justice. Libra people often have a great interest in getting people to function smoothly together. They are master negotiators. Planets here are motivated for partnership, and there is a willingness to compromise for the sake of a harmonious relationship. It can be an advantage to balance this consciousness of others with greater self-awareness and self-assertion.


The role of Libra’s energy to search for partnerships and “twin flames” among lovers and friends. Libra attempts to balance the opposing challenges of life. The Omega symbol is part of the scale symbol that defines Libra’s gift with negotiation and the charm and charisma that they use to forge and heal alliances.

Libra is the emissary for all relationships. The energy continually seeks to improve the world through how we all relate in a constructive and warm way whenever possible. Victory is important to many Libra people, but they prefer cooperative victory in which everyone wins.


The Goddess Astraea can be associated with many goddesses of justice and ethics all over the world. The most familiar goddesses that she is associated with are Ma'at and Venus. In Astrology, she along with the Virgin Andromeda, are associated with the sign of Virgo, and the scales of Justice she carries is in fact Libra. Libra is the only inanimate object on the zodiac ecliptic. Libra also represents the chariot of Pluto or Hades. This chariot was drawn by four dark horses and aided with the abduction of Persephone (Proserpina). Persephone's mother Demeter (Ceres) is said to be depressed through the winter because that is the season that Persephone is with Pluto in the underworld.

In Western Tropical Astrology, the twelve star-signs are based on the orbit of our Earth around the Sun – and have little connection with the stellar constellations. Aries is seen as the “first” sign of the Zodiac, as it starts at the exact moment day and night are of equal length – the Spring equinox. All the other signs are measured from this point. Signs are said by many to have no manifest effect in themselves, but are activated when planets or houses are placed in them.

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