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|JAN. 20 – FEB18 (VARIES) |Color = Indigo | Tone A Minor |

The two ripples of water can sometimes be perceived as bolts of lightning, waves of aether, or electrically-charged water. Although Aquarius is an Air sign, he/she pours waters of creation, healing and purification on the collective existence of humanity.


Uranus “the awakener” Aquarius was “co-ruled” by Saturn along with Capricorn. However, after Uranus’ discovery in 1781, modern astrology currently  associates Aquarius with Uranus. The planet Uranus is a gas giant named after the sky god that Gaia created and procreated with. Uranus is considered the father of the Cyclops and the Titans. The planet orbits the sun on its side and takes up to 84 earth years to make one trip.


There are various myths involving Aquarius. In the Bible he is equated with Noah from the Noah’s Ark flood story. However, before the age of Christianity, Aquarius was associated with Deucalion in Greece and Utnapishtim from a similar flood story called the, “Epic of Gilgamesh.” There are many similarities between Gilgamesh, Hercules and Orion “the hunter.” The Sumerian account includes many similar details about the great flood. While the myth from Greece Included Deucalion’s salvation from the flood, but this account did not include saving two of each animal. Deucalion and his wife Pyrrha were forced to repopulate the world by throwing rocks over their shoulders. All of the men formed behind Deucalion and all of the women formed behind Pyrrha. In one account, Pandora from the Pandora’s box myth emerged behind Pyrrha.



  • Intractable

  • Perverse

  • Unemotional

  • Self-Indulgent

  • Contrary

  • Unpredictable

  • detached

  • Judgmental


  • Friendly

  • Honest

  • Original

  • Independent

  • Humanitarian

  • Loyal

  • Inventive

  • Intellectual


Aquarius is the 11th Zodiac sign in the philosophy of astrology. Aquarius is associated with Noah in Christianity, Deucalion in Greece, Utnapishtim in Mesopotamia. The wave symbol does not just represent the water waves pouring from Aquarius’ jug, it also represents both electricity and thought because while Aquarius may be a water bearer it is actually one of three air signs. Aquarius is also associated with the beautiful cupbearers Hebe and Ganymede.

Duality Male/Day/Positive
The day and night model of the zodiac is based on the sun rising in the east and setting in the west. Different Zodiac Signs are visible at night or day depending on where you live on earth.

Modality: Fixed

The three modes of the elements:

  • Cardinal (Initiation),

  • Fixed (Stability),

  • Mutable (Dynamic)

Element Air
Air is dynamic and intellectual. This element is associated with the OCTAHEDRON among the Platonic Solids! This is associated with the western quadrant of the tropical astrology compass, representing intellect and communication in various forms.

Aquarius Decan I

Aquarius I Jan 20-29

The purist and the most zealous of the “shock Jock” crew.  They are sweet and beautiful unless you are evil. If you are evil, they will make the term “hell on earth” seem like a spa day in the Bahamas. Like the Myth of Ganymede, they are as deadly as they are gorgeous. This is the decan that is 100% Uranus Aquarius; Straight up NO CHASER! If there is a tree-hugging bohemian with cosmic consciousness that extends beyond the boundaries of the known cosmos, you are likely to find it here. And don’t let the smart librarian thing fool you. Like all Aquarians, being sexy and intelligent is as easy as breathing while one sleeps. It just is!


The Symbol for Uranus. Uranus has an 84 earth year orbit around the sun. The planet is named after the father of the Titans and grandfather of the Olympians. The planet itself sits on its side at a 98º angle. Besides Venus, Uranus spins the opposite direction of the other planets in our solar system.

Aquarius II

Jan 30-Feb-8

This is the exceptionally brilliant visionary section of Aquarius that is Gemini like in that it is ruled by Mercury. Since Uranus is  the “higher octave” of Mercury, this group has all of the strengths of Aquarius from the Bat Sh*t Cray to the “This sux, please torch it now” approach of Uranus. They can agree, agree to disagree and change their mind all in one stroke and seem like they are being shallow and duplicitous. In reality, this sort of insight just makes them so open to the array of possibilities that they often will give you an opinion with the option to change it. This is the epitome of the Aquarian that hates “labels.” Yuk! Who likes socialization boxes anyways? But beware, this one can be a tad more vain than the other two variety. I don’t blame Gemini, I blame Mercury!


Mercury is the Gemini Decan of Aquarius. designers, engineers, mystics, musicians and artisans of all kind are born under this decan of Aquarius.

Aquarius III 


This is probably the most honest, open and diplomatic Aquarian you will find as they are deep in the Libra sector being influenced by that social and sensual Venus. This Aquarius has strong fixed opinions, but they are more likely to listen than debate. And why not? To them its win/win. Either you present yourself well with substantiated facts and some persuasion in your game or you reveal just how deep your ignorance burrows into the shadows of the “twit-ocracy” of humanity. This brand of Aquarius doesn’t need to fight enemies or frenemies because they already wasted too much time listening to you in the first place. This Aquarian may “lose” your number to “gain” their sanity.


The third decan belongs to the Venus ruled LIBRA. So kinder gentler and more diplomatic Aquarians are likely to be found here.

Planet and Moon

Ruling Planets: Uranus and Saturn

Neptune rules the magic itself, and how reality presents itself to us. Do not be afraid to tap into your magick now, remake your reality as you see fit. Neptune is the eighth planet from the sun. It is considered a gas giant, but the chemical composition makes it more like an “ice giant.” Neptune has an orbit of about 165 earth years.

Unique, Authentic, Unity, Collective Consciousness, Intelligence, Humanitarianism

Ruling House #11
The 11th house: Friends, Hopes, Dreams and Unity for Humanity.  It refers to memberships, hopes, goals, ambitions, wishes, social groups, associations, humanitarian interests. It also refers to self-realization, liberty, legislation and regulation.

The sign Aquarius was traditionally ruled by Saturn, though Uranus has also been assigned rulership since its discovery in 1781. Physically it is related to the calves and ankles, as well as the circulation system. Aquarius is considered to be a “Yang” day sign which is associated with a “masculine” nature. Aquarians or Aquarii can be outwardly oriented and extroverted in the energy that they express to others.
As an Air sign, (Octahedron) Aquarians can be very social if you can get them out of their over-thinking heads.  Aquarius is a Fixed zodiac sign. So like the other fixed signs, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio, Aquarians are known for their determination, staying power, and it is high ideals and convictions. Mercury rules everything involving the mind, intellect, and education but Aquarius’ ruling planet Uranus is supposed to be the “higher octave” of Mercury. Aquarians tend to have very high expectations and therefore are at a higher risk of being “let down” or disappointed in others.

The two ripples of water can sometimes be perceived as bolts of lightning, waves of aether, or electrically-charged water. Although Aquarius is an Air sign, he/she pours waters of creation, healing and purification on the collective existence of humanity.

Utnapishtim, Deucalion, Noah and Aquarius have a mysterious connection to Prometheus and Uranus.


There are various myths involving Aquarius. In the Bible he is equated with Noah from the Noah’s Ark flood story. However, before the age of Christianity, Aquarius was associated with Deucalion in Greece and Utnapishtim from a similar flood story called the, “Epic of Gilgamesh.” There are many similarities between Gilgamesh, Hercules and Orion “the hunter.” The Sumerian account includes many similar details about the great flood. While the myth from Greece Included Deucalion’s salvation from the flood, but this account did not include saving two of each animal. Deucalion and his wife Pyrrha were forced to repopulate the world by throwing rocks over their shoulders. All of the men formed behind Deucalion and all of the women formed behind Pyrrha. In one account, Pandora from the Pandora’s box myth emerged behind Pyrrha.

The Aquarius influence often manifests as stubborn behavior. Many people can perceive Aquarius detachment as being cold and calculating when their objective is to always try and be as objective as humanly possible. Aquarians often understand that everyone has biases. Aquarians, demonstrate this often through being honest about their own flaws. The sign of Aquarius is also strongly related to social and humanitarian ideals that include collective consciousness and symbiotic coexistence. Planets in the signs of Aquarius or in the 11th house on a natal chart, often express themselves in a unique, unconventional and authentic manner.

Sometimes Aquarius influence can lead to an experience of alienation or social isolation if Mars or Mercury are not placed in assertive zodiac signs. Nevertheless, the energy of Aquarius is, in essence, friendly and expresses itself in social relationships where shared ideals play a greater role than emotions. Aquarian energy is often judged to be cool and detached but when Mars is in Sagittarius or Venus and Mercury or in Sagittarius, Capricorn or Pisces they can be very warm compassionate.


Aquarius: The Next Stage of Human Development! In Greek mythology Aquarius is known as Ganymede, a mortal so handsome he was chosen by the gods to be their cupbearer. This young man ascended to the heavens and learned duality represented by the two wavy lines that represent the Zodiac sign. One wave is positive and the other is negative. Ganymede represents the potential intelligence & physical beauty of the human race.


The Winter Quadrant: Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. This is the Summer Quadrant in the southern hemisphere. These three zodiac signs are in the “sea” of the celestial sphere.

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